Knowledge Library

Academic and Research Network

We are proud to have launched the IAM Academic and Research Network (ARN) in June 2014. ARN facilitates interactions between the asset management academic and industry communities. The network will support education and research that help shape the industry.

Having brought together an excellent group of engineering asset management professionals to develop standards and establish best practices, the Institute will benefit greatly from increased interaction with the emerging academic community. This community stretches from universities and research centres in the UK to international research in asset management.

Our aim is to establish a membership with collective expertise spanning all 39 asset management subjects. The network will consist of university academics and industry professionals and practitioners from across the world. The aim is to establish a membership that will collectively have expertise spanning various disciplines related to asset management subjects. The membership of the network will include young as well as experienced researchers, academics and industry professionals.

Academic and Research Network objectives

  • Enhance the research capability of the IAM
  • Bring cutting-edge research closer to implementation
  • Develop new research programmes which align with short- and long-term industry challenges
  • Improve collaboration among academics across different subject areas to provide an integrated forum for asset management research
  • Influence government funding bodies to provide more research funding
  • Better align asset management teaching programmes with industry needs
  • Work closely with the IAM’s NxtGen initiative to provide academic guidance and support for the asset management student community

The industry’s role

  • Influence research streams to ensure alignment with current practical needs and future challenges
  • Tap into the wide spectrum of knowledge and expertise of the academic network
  • Engage with academics more easily for short- and long-term research projects
  • Influence teaching module and programme content to align with real industrial requirements

Academic and Research Network members

ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre (Greece)

Cranfield University (UK)

EPFL Lausanne (Switzerland)

Politechnico di Milano (Italy)

Rutgers University (USA)

Salford University (UK)

University of Cambridge

University of Leeds (UK)

University of Seville (UK)

University of Wisconsin (USA)

Want to find out more about ARN or enquire about getting involved? Contact us at for more information.

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