
Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove


Date & Time:
16 January 2024
09:00 - 09:45 UTC


Events are open to everybody with a website account – register to book

Asset Management, 40:40 Vision: 

Dr Penny Burns was the first economist employed by the South Australia state water authority where, in 1984, she recognized the absence of information needed for managing the cost and timing of renewing aging infrastructure. To address the problem, Penny developed a model which was then extended to all major State infrastructure. Through eight Parliamentary reports, the idea of Asset Management spread across Australia and became what we now practice as Asset Management.

Webinar Overview: 

In 2024, Asset Management turns 40.  Forty years ago this coming April, Dr Penny Burns proposed the idea to the South Australian water authority, and developed a prototype, which she then extended to state infrastructure generally.

We can now see that Asset Management develops in ‘waves’, starting with what we call ‘Asset Inventory’, and progressing to Strategic Asset Management (where most of us in the IAM are at the moment). The next wave is Infrastructure Decision Making, looking to future fitness and resilience, to prosperity over growth, and infrastructure in circular economies.

In this webinar Penny and Talking Infrastructure colleague, Ruth Wallsgrove, look at this third wave considering how what we have learned in the last 40 years can help us address the next 40. It is also an occasion to celebrate the publication in October 2023 of The Story of Asset Management, Penny’s account of how Asset Management started and grew in its first decade.

Make sure to sign up today and not miss out on this exclusive member benefit. 

Please Note:

To attend the webinar, you will need to book with us through this page. You will then receive a link via e-mail that will enable you to join and view the webinar on the day. The process to receive your link is automated, and this may not happen until the day before the webinar. 

This IAM webinar is free to individual paying members of the IAM, reciprocal members, and the nominated representative for IAM corporate members.

Non-members can pay to attend the webinar or join as a member, attend for free, and enjoy all the additional benefits of becoming a member.

Become a member today!

Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Corporate Member Price


Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Member Price


Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Non Member Price


Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Corporate Member Price


Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Member Price


Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Non Member Price


Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Corporate Member Price


Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Member Price


Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Non Member Price


Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Member Price


Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Non Member Price


Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Member Price


Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Non Member Price


Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Member Price


Asset Management, 40:40 Vision - A Webinar with Dr Penny Burns & Ruth Wallsgrove - Non Member Price



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