Knowledge Library

The Asset Management Landscape


The Asset Management Landscape is a framework designed to enable Asset Management knowledge and practices so that they can be compared, contrasted, and
aligned around a common understanding of the discipline of Asset Management.

The Asset Management Landscape comprises two essential components:

  1. The Core: This is the central part of the Asset Management Landscape and represents the fundamental principles and concepts that are universally applicable
    to Asset Management.
  2. The Knowledge and Practices Area: This section includes the specific knowledge and practices of each GFMAM member society within their own Asset Management Frameworks. It is recognized that different GFMAM Member societies will / may adopt unique approaches and methodologies to manage their assets that are reflective of the local organizational environment, the nature of the assets, the industry sector and the organizational goals and objectives.


Using The Asset Management Landscape

The GFMAM Asset Management Landscape (2024 Third Edition) includes the subjects and fundamentals that depict the discipline of asset management. Each GFMAM member incorporates the Asset Management Landscape as part of their asset management framework.

The Landscape presents good practice for developing asset management structures in your organisation, from fundamentals to measuring performances and making improvements.

The informative model diagrams make this publication a useful benchmarking tool to improve your own structures.



Over the past decades, global standards and principles for managing assets have improved significantly. The Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM) acknowledges the benefits of coordinating these advancements, especially for organizations managing assets in multiple countries. To achieve this, GFMAM published the first edition of the GFMAM Asset Management Landscape in 2011, aiming to update it in 2014 with insights from ISO 5500x and to make it more specific. The Second Edition, in 2014, made significant progress in applying asset management globally and became a reference for developing asset management knowledge.

The Third Edition reflects updates to address modern challenges like climate change, including new subjects like Governance and Value Realization to align asset management with contemporary governance standards and ensure value creation.


Download The Asset Management Landscape

The Asset Management Landscape (2024 Third Edition) is openly available to download from the GFMAM website

Download The Asset Management Landscape


GFMAM ISO 55001 Competency Specification

In 2013, members and stakeholders of the global asset management community sought assistance in maximising benefits from the ISO 55000 Asset Management Standards published in 2014. In particular, organisations require competent and capable people, who may be employed as staff or brought in from external organisations to assess against, or comply with ISO 55001. The GFMAM published a document that sets out the minimum knowledge and comprehension specification for personnel to audit or assess to ISO 55001 based on the Asset Management Landscape.

Read more about GFMAM Competency Specification
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