Assets magazine finds new partnership with CPL

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02 Jun 2021

Assets magazine finds new partnership with CPL

The Institute of Asset Management (IAM) is pleased to embark on a new partnership for our membership magazine, Assets. CPL, content marketing specialists, will take over production for our August 2021 edition, and in the long term will be leading the way in how we connect our members with the work being done across the IAM’s working groups and collaborations with industries.

We hope this partnership will transform the magazine – consistently rated as one of the best benefits of IAM membership – with digital enhancements and improved accessibility.

The magazine continues under the stewardship of Editor Josh Ellicock, who alongside the new editorial team led by Helen King at CPL, will continue to deliver the insightful, thought-leading content that Assets is well known for. In addition we will be introducing more of the asset management community and celebrating individual and organisational success.

Liam Nolan, marketing and communications manager at the IAM, who is facilitating the partnership, says: “We are delighted to be working with CPL and excited by their plans to help us transform our members’ magazine and other content in the short and long terms.

“During the process of appointing a new content partner, CPL stood out for two key reasons: first, their expertise in creating and delivering content strategies for membership bodies like the IAM; and second, because they came across as an agency that would be proactive in building on what we have already. After a few weeks of working with CPL, I feel convinced that we have chosen the right partner.”

“This is great news for CPL,” says CPL managing director Mike Sewell. “We are proud to add the IAM to the list of membership organisations we work with. Our editorial team, led by Helen King, and senior designer Kevin Reed, are already working on some exciting new concepts for Assets magazine, which will be produced in an online format using our CPL Portfolio digital publishing solution. 

“I’m looking forward to seeing the results in August, by which time we’ll also have begun a consultancy project to help Liam and his team scope out their longer-term content strategy.”


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