Black Lives Matter: a statement from the Institute of Asset Management

Home Press Release

16 Sep 2020

Black Lives Matter: a statement from the Institute of Asset Management

I am sure you will be aware of the death of George Floyd and the protests which have followed in US cities and around the globe, in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.

At the Institute of Asset Management (the IAM) we are distressed at what has happened and can only imagine the anger and pain felt across Black communities.

The IAM is the international professional body for Asset Management Professionals. We are committed to helping build a more equitable, inclusive and sustainable world. We are an inclusive Learned Society that believes everyone in society has the right to be treated with the same dignity and respect regardless of colour of their skin, gender, their sexual orientation, religion, disability or any other qualities.

The American Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr said “History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamour of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.”

I want you all to know that the IAM stands with you and is committed to include proactively the full diversity of the global communities we serve.

Ursula Bryan

President, Institute of Asset Management

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