Outcome of Vote at Extraordinary General Meeting

Home Press Release

23 Jun 2022

Outcome of Vote at Extraordinary General Meeting

Following the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) held on 21 June 2022 at 15:00 UTC, the following ordinary resolution and expression of preference were passed unanimously.  The Transform22 proposals will now be implemented with members being engaged on the changes required to make this happen.

Ordinary Resolution (for Members (MIAM) and Fellows (FIAM) only)

“Provided that the Board, having taken steps to ascertain the preference of Associate Members and Life Fellows, is satisfied that the majority of Associate Members and Life Fellows expressing a preference is supportive of the implementation of the Transform22 proposals, the Voting Members of the Company resolve to give the Board, CEO, Chapters, Council and Patrons a general mandate to pursue the implementation of the Transform22 proposals subject to, where necessary, changing the articles, byelaws and key governance documents of the company in accordance with those articles, byelaws and the general law.  This resolution will remain in place unless revoked at an EGM or an AGM.”

This resolution was passed by a unanimous vote.

Expression of Preference (for Associate Members and Life Fellows only)

The Board of the IAM wishes to ascertain whether the Associate Members and Life Fellows are also supportive of the implementation of the Transform 22 proposals. Accordingly, the Board is inviting the Associate Members and Life Fellows to attend the EGM at which they will be invited to express a preference as to whether they are in support or not of the implementation of the Transform 22 proposals.

This expression of preference was also passed unanimously.


About Transform22

Transform22 is a global IAM transformation program designed to create added value for our membership, enhancing local networks and services.  It will give our chapters the autonomy to drive member services locally within a common global framework.
Transform22 will also refocus our core efforts to continue developing knowledge and promoting the discipline of asset management.  Building off what we have in place, we will provide more access to knowledge not only for members but also for the benefit of the public.

Attached is a supporting slide deck which provides information on the Transform22 proposals and explains why we had both an ordinary resolution and expression of preference.


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