Fellow Registration

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    Chapter Preferences

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    Career History

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    Academic and Professional Qualifications

    Please only include higher education and/ or vocation and professional qualifications.

    Max 15MB - File Types: doc, docx, ppt, pdf, odt, txt

    Professional Experience

    Policy Development

    Strategy Development

    Asset Management Planning

    Implement Asset Management Plans

    Asset Management Capability Development

    Risk Maintenance & Performance Improvement

    Asset Knowledge Management

    Proposer 1 Details

    Proposer 2 Details

    Agree to abide by the IAM code of conduct

    In order to apply for membership with IAM, you will need to read and agree to Code of conduct before completing your application.

    Click here to open a window to read Code of conduct.

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    Price Breakdown
    Membership Subscription 0.00
    Joining Fee 0.00
    Total 0.00

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    Membership is for individuals or organisations at any stage of the asset management journey - to gain and demonstrate competence, connect with asset management professionals worldwide and access specialised products, events and services at discounted rates.

    You can also sign up for a free My IAM Account, which will give you limited access to our website materials and the ability to opt in to our mailings (see My Preferences tab after login) to find out more about events, publications, news and knowledge.

    Once you have created your account you will receive a verification email to validate your membership with the Institute of Asset Management. 

    Joining our community will enable you to succeed - become a member today!