
SSG 22, 23 & 25 Asset Info, Strategy, Standards & Data Management (PDF)

Asset Information, Strategy, Standards and Data Management responds to demand from industry for guidance to carry out better management of asset information. It is applicable to any organisation where physical assets are a key or critical factor in achieving its business objective and in achieving effective service delivery. Asset information is a combination of data about physical assets used to inform decisions about how they are managed, both for short-term operational purposes and or long-term strategic planning. The intended audience is the community of people responsible for the management and utilisation of information associated with assets. This group typically includes Asset Management, Engineering, Operations, Finance, and IT departments. However, it also recognises that the understanding of asset information management in an asset management context is an emerging discipline and it is therefore written to allow ‘non-practitioners’ to better understand the key features of good practice asset information management.

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