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Asset Management Danmark conference 2024

Comwell Kellers Park,
H. O. Wildenskovsvej 28,

Date & Time:
25 September 2024
08:00 - 17:00 ECT


Events are open to everybody with a website account – register to book

We welcome you to the Asset Management Danmark conference, where we will explore how artificial intelligence impacts the management and optimization of assets. Through interactive sessions and discussions, we will examine how AI is transforming this vital sector and update you on the latest advancements.


Our annual conference is a flagship event that brings together many of the country's leading experts and practitioners in asset management. Last year, 110 participants from 41 different companies attended, including many of our member companies. (link to url:


This year's conference will feature two tracks. The main track will focus on this year’s theme, while an open track will be available for all topics related to asset management.


Register now to secure your spot! Please note that the conference is mostly in Danish language and that registration is binding and operates on a first-come, first-served basis, as there are a limited number of spots available. All members of The IAM have the benefit of membership discount. You can register here. (link to url:


Price per participant:


Members: 3,900 DKK

Member of: The Institute of Asset Management: 3,900 DKK

Non-members: 4,400 DKK


All prices are excluding VAT.


If you need accommodation, please also register here. (link to url:


As per tradition, we will also hold a dinner the evening before the conference. You can register for the dinner here. (link to url:


Joining our community will enable you to succeed - become a member today!