
Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio


Date & Time:
01 May 2024
14:00 - 14:45 BST


Events are open to everybody with a website account – register to book

Asset Management in Indigenous Communities: Guy Felio


Webinar Overview: 

Indigenous communities (also referred as First Nations) are often unique forms of local government as they are not only responsible for municipal-type services (water, wastewater, roads, recreational facilities, fire protection, police services, etc.) but also for housing, healthcare, education, and justice amongst others. They may effectively be required to provide services that other members of the public obtain from several levels of government.

Another characteristic of Indigenous communities is the fact they are typically small (for example, in Canada, out of 634 communities, two only have populations of more than 10,000 members; 7 have more than 5,000 members). They may also be remote, with limited access which sometimes can be by air only.

Against this backdrop, the presentation explores how asset management, particularly aligned with ISO 55000 standards, can support Indigenous communities in their asset-related planning and decision-making. Examples of building awareness and capacity, the development of asset management plans, and the definition of levels of service from First Nations in Canada will be used to illustrate the process of implementing asset management in Indigenous communities.

Please Note:

To attend the webinar, you will need to book with us through this page. You will then receive a link via e-mail that will enable you to join and view the webinar on the day.

This IAM webinar is free to individual paying members of the IAM, reciprocal members, and the nominated representative for IAM corporate members.

Non-members can pay to attend the webinar or join as a member, attend for free, and enjoy all the additional benefits of becoming a member.

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Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Corporate Member Price


Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Member Price


Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Non Member Price


Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Corporate Member Price


Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Member Price


Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Non Member Price


Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Corporate Member Price


Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Member Price


Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Non Member Price


Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Member Price


Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Non Member Price


Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Member Price


Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Non Member Price


Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Member Price


Asset Management in Indigenous Communities - A Webinar with Guy Felio - Non Member Price



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