
IAM NY & NJ Branch Quarter 3 Meeting

Virtual - MS Teams

Date & Time:
24 September 2024
16:00 - 17:15 EST

Regional / Branch Event


This meeting will reconvene the IAM New York & New Jersey Branch and include a thematic panel discussion around the idea about “Mobility in the field – Digitizing Captured data from the field.”


Panel Discussion: “Mobility in the field – data transformation” in Asset Management

This quarter we dive into another discussion of real-life applications overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities in asset management. The theme is simple:  Mobility in the field – Digitizing Captured data from the field.  How the data captured in the field transforms into digital data.

Ilya Yermolenko will open the meeting with opening remarks and introduction of panel members.  Panellists will then have 5 minutes each to introduce themselves and briefly describe their digital solutions for each company. Following the introduction, Ilya Yermolenko (NYPA) will lead a panel discussion with three practitioners in diverse roles to glean real-life lessons learned we might all consider and apply. This will be an interactive session, with attendees encouraged to participate and ask questions.



  • Welcome & Ice Breakers - Ilya Yermolenko NYPA
  • Introduction: Introductions of each panellist
  • Panel Discussion: Mobility in the field – Digitizing Captured data from the field - Ilya Yermolenko, NYPA
  1. Serisha Boyett (NYPA) - Lead Asset Analyst          
  2. David Morgia (NYPA) - Asset Control Specialist
  3. Bob Fyke (ConEd) - ConEd of New York
  • Closing: Future Topics and Events of Interest - Ilya Yermolenko, NYPA


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Meeting ID: 335 675 112 921

Passcode: BY6iKQ



Serisha Boyett

Lead Asset Information Analyst

David Morgia

Asset Controls Specialist

Bob Fyke

ConEd of New York

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