
IAM Virtual Global Conference 2024 - 19 September


Date & Time:
19 September 2024
12:30 - 15:30 UTC


IAM Virtual Global Conference 2024

19 September 2024 12:30 UTC – 15:30 UTC virtual IAM Global Conference


Conference Theme: Unlocking Value

Our 2024 conference will focus on ‘unlocking value’.

Realizing value is at the heart of what asset management is all about.  The IAM Global Conference 2024 will feature presentations, case studies, and interactive sessions on the ways in which asset-owning and service-providing organizations are employing a variety of approaches and solutions to unlocking value for stakeholders, including:

  • How digital innovation, such as the use of building information modelling, digital twins, and artificial intelligence, is transforming how value is realized
  • Where decision support capability such as investment prioritization is enabling a balanced range of outcomes
  • The power of organizational transformation, including strategy, leadership, culture, performance improvement and people capability in unlocking value
  • How innovations focusing on outcomes are reimagining the way the value is realized, such as circular economy and servitization
  • How engaging with the right partners to build close, trusting and long-term partnerships is key to maximizing value
  • Showcasing industry best practice where the value for stakeholders has been unlocked
  • Demonstrating the impact of providing services to asset-owning organizations


As well as covering the conference theme, we will also take the opportunity to present and discuss the big things happening in the asset management community during 2024, such as the publication of the GFMAM Landscape and the new ISO55000 suite documents as well as the knowledge (e.g. IAM Anatomy) and professional development (e.g. competences framework) changes we are making. 


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Members will receive an email with instructions on how to register. 

For Non-members, you would be required to become a member of this IAM to attend. The cost for this is based on our tiered pricing model. Professionals in high-income* countries pay £140/€165/USD$200, those from middle-income* countries pay £81/€96/USD$120, and those from low-income* countries pay £54/€64/USD$80.

*Based on the World Bank Classification

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