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The Optimization Game - NA Conference Workshop Day one

South Building ,Metro Toronto Convention Centre
South Building
222 Bremner Boulevard

Date & Time:
23 October 2023
08:00 - 17:00 EDT

Partner Event

Events are open to everybody with a website account – register to book


In the changing asset management world, there is increasing emphasis on considering Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) when creating an investment plan. When determining which investments to include in the plan, it’s important to consider not only the hard benefits and costs, but also the ESG related sources of value.

The optimization game simulates this complex planning process, and challenges attendees to account for a number of considerations in the creation of the highest value plan. The game incorporates a multitude of possible investments, each with unique costs and benefits. It also introduces constraints that put rapidly evolving socio-economic, technological, and climate conditions at the forefront, ensuring that the plan aligns with the values and objectives of the

This workshop shows the potential complexities of the investment planning process, especially when extended to hundreds or thousands of potential investments. It highlights where an AIPM solution can fit in the complex asset management environment and provides participants with insights into navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by the changing world. It also allows for a fun opportunity for attendees to work with others to solve a problem. Attendees will be grouped into teams, tasked with building the best possible plan


Workshop Agenda

1. Introduction
2. Instructions on how to play the game
3. Simulated planning period – attendees create a plan with the given investments and constraints.
4. Presentation of results
5. Debrief and summary


Workshop Expected Outcomes

1. Appreciation for complexity of creating investment plans
2. Using Asset Investment Planning Best Practices in the creation of a plan
3. Understanding of how ESG principles can be incorporated in the planning process
4. Engaging and fun exercise of trying to find the best possible solution


This course will be delivered by Copperleaf


Workshop Tickets 


Workshop ticket prices are listed below.  Places are limited!

To avoid disappointment, book your ticket today.  


If you want to claim gov/publice rate and pay in Canadian dollars please contact  

The prices are shown below

Ticket prices 





Public/Government Sector





Individual and Corporate Member Price 





Non-Member Price 






Utilizing Asset Management to Advance - Presented by AMCL is another workshop happening on the same day. If you would like to learn about this workshop click here

North American Workshop Day one - The Optimization Game - Corporate Member Price


North American Workshop Day one - The Optimization Game - Member Price


North American Workshop Day one - The Optimization Game - Non Member Price



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