IAM Global Conference 2022 - Presentations

The IAM Global Conference 2022 was a huge success with sessions being viewed live and on-demand thousands of times. If you missed any of the sessions or have joined as a member since June 2022 you will find recordings of the individual sessions below.

 See the full program*

*Please note some sessions were interactive and therefore not recorded.


Assessing the Maintenance Maturity of a Complex Site

Asset Management and Climate Risks Assessment for Canada's First Nations



Asset Management at National Grid - a Global Perspective

Building Decision Making Capabilities for the “Decisive Decade"

Circular Economic Value Around Asset Management Systems



Creating the Future

Development of Asset Management Maturity at the UK's Leading LNG Importation Terminal

Digital Hot Topic Introduction



Digitising the Brownfield

Enbridge Case Study - Best Practice for Capital Planning Excellence

Exploring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Asset Management



Forging a Template for the Future of Rail Asset Management

From Asset Inventory to Planetary Health: The Past and Future of Asset Management

Future Proof Industrial Assets with Circular Strategies



GFMAM Landscape - Update

Green Jobs are you Climate Ready?

Implementation Journey of AM System - Asset Investment Planning Management



Infrastructure AM in High Growth Countries: GCC perspective and Challenges - Keynote Najib Dandachi

Integrating Green and Natural Assets into an Asset Management Framework

Investing in Water Supply Resilience Considering Future Uncertainty and Management Flexibility



ISO 55001 Revision and update 2022

Keynote Thomas Smith - Revenue From Assets

Leveraging Maintenance and Reliability to Enhance the Benefits of Asset Management



Moving from Legacy to Modern and Best of Breed

Reconfigure Our Plane During Mid-Flight: Down Under Experience with Integrated Water Management Tool

The Future Is Here - Knowledge Asset Management 2022



The Role of Intelligent Asset Management in the Circular Economy

Toward a more Resilient Asset Management System

Trending to Asset Success



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