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Knowledge Library

Understanding ISO55013: Guidance on Management of Data Assets

It’s Data…It’s an Asset… It’s a Data Asset - ISO 55013 – Guidance on the management of data assets

Exponential growth of connected devices and advanced data technologies, along with the availability of affordable data storage, transfer, and processing capabilities, has enabled businesses to gain competitive intelligence on demand from their core asset base. Despite recognizing the strategic potential of data, many businesses face challenges due to data silos and lack of understanding among stakeholders.

However, the number of organizations spotlighting Data as a strategic asset is growing fast. The time is ripe to have a standard that provides guidance on management of data as assets and apply asset management principles in its management.

ISO 55013:2024 is a first attempt at spotlighting the Data & Information clause (7.6) in ISO 55001:2024 to help asset managers elevate their treatment of data within their organizations.

This webinar will work from the premise that Data Assets may include –

  • Asset Data = risk, performance, lifecycle cost, etc
  • Non-asset Digital data products = traffic patterns, weather data, economic data, consumption data
  • Combination of both = Customer Survey data on Dynamic Messaging Board

 This webinar will introduce the standard and discuss how asset managers can use this standard to support requirements of clause 7.6 in ISO 55001:2024



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