Unlocking Value

Rapid change, unpredictability, and rising costs mean asset-intensive organizations are under increasing pressure to deliver the highest value to stakeholders. By unlocking value, organizations can expand their customer base, tap into new markets, and improve their bottom line. 

To showcase how asset management is being used to realize value for various stakeholder communities, the Institute of Asset Management has partnered with ITN Business to produce a news-style program Unlocking Value.   

This program builds on the previous two ITN partnered programs Planning for the Long Term and Why Outcomes Matter.

Realizing value is at the heart of what asset management is all about, and this program includes case studies of the ways in which asset-owning and service-providing organizations are employing a variety of approaches and solutions, to deliver real impact. 

We hope you enjoy these short videos, produced with the expertise of ITN Business.  They can be watched as a sequence or you can select which ones you want to watch. 

Please help us spread the messages about how to Unlock Value with your colleagues and friends and share the link Unlocking Value 



Please see the foot of this page for a link to the press release for the Unlocking Value program. 




The films include an interview with IAM President Dr Christian Roberts, sharing some of the key approaches organizations are taking to unlock value including using digital twins, organizational transformation, and assets as a service. 

This News item was filmed on location at the IAM North American Conference in Toronto, where speakers and delegates shared their thoughts and experiences with unlocking value 




AB Ports who share how decarbonizing its own operations and enabling large-scale energy transition projects is ensuring it is Ready for Tomorrow.

Anglian Water  who showcase their network of pipes that will enable the flow of water from wetter areas to those at risk of drought. 



AtkinsRealis – discuss their expertise from top-level strategy to ground-level detail, underpinned by digital enablement and a global vision. 

Lightsource bp – share how they are helping to meet the demand for more affordable, sustainable, and reliable energy sources. 



Preqin  discuss how they empower professionals in private markets to make informed choices that align with their return expectations.




We hope you have enjoyed this interesting cross-section of asset management activities focussed on Unlocking value. The IAM sincerely thanks all our partners for participating.  

We are also most grateful to ITN Business. 

We want to raise awareness of the importance of effective asset management.  All organizations across the globe strive to unlock value from their physical assets and given the scale of the challenges and opportunities we collectively face there is no better time to embrace how asset management can make our world a better place.    

Find out more about asset management and membership of the IAM on this website.   

Building on its decades of experience in B2B and corporate communications, ITN Business works with organizations, businesses, and brands to create a deeper, more authentic connection with their people, customers, partners, investors, or the wider world. Industry News is our broadcast news-style programming and bespoke digital campaigns for sectors, charities, and industries, sharing stories of innovation, best practice and thought leadership, to connect with the audiences that matter to our clients, and to ensure longer-term impact. For more information visit: www.business.itn.co.uk 

View the Press Release dated 5 December 2023 in our News section

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