Why Outcomes Matter

When we talk about infrastructure, what do we mean by the importance of outcomes? Designing with outcomes in mind means asking, right from the concept stage, what is the overall value of this project?

New infrastructure such as railway networks, green homes and new major roads play a key role in fuelling economic growth and improving lives. With such great investment, comes a responsibility to deliver infrastructure that demonstrates real value for the people who use those railways, homes, or roads for many years to come.

Following the success of the first program, Planning for the Long Term, the IAM has again partnered with ITN Business to produce a digital news-style program, Why Outcomes Matter, highlighting the importance of starting with the end in mind when it comes to building infrastructure.

In this program, we’ll be looking at organizations and projects who are not only committed to delivering on time and on budget, but more importantly to benefitting society.

We hope you enjoy these short videos, produced with the expertise of ITN Business.  They can be watched as a sequence or you can select which ones you want to watch. 

Please help us spread the message Why Outcomes Matter with your colleagues and friends and share the link


Please see the foot of this page for a link to the press release for the Why Outcomes Matter program.



We are delighted that Nick O’Regan Director of Implementation Practices and Standards at the United National Office for Project Services and Jeremy Goldberg Worldwide Director of Critical Infrastructure at Microsoft along with Christian Roberts, our IAM President, have shared their thoughts on why outcomes really do matter.



Burns & McDonnell – have teamed up with US energy provider, Entergy, to help prioritize its capital expenditure, and reduce outages, so customers have energy when they need it most.


Royal BAM talk about how they have been working very closely with their client Network Rail in the UK focussing on collaboration, innovation, and sustainability, to protect a critical rail link, as well as the local town, from rising sea levels and extreme weather.

Northern focus on a train care centre near Leeds in the UK which is a strategically important asset undergoing major investment that embraces environmental and social responsibility to drive economic growth.


UK Power Networks describe how they are using innovation to maximize existing electricity services and infrastructure to equitably deliver the net zero climate goal in the electric revolution in transportation and other sectors.

Osmose explain the work they do using their mobile asset assessment vehicles to scan for electrical faults before they become serious enabling public safety risks to be addressed and reductions in power losses.


We hope you have enjoyed this interesting cross-section of asset management activities focussed on Why Outcomes Matter. The IAM thanks all our partners sincerely for participating.

We are also most grateful to ITN Business.

We want to raise awareness of the importance of effective asset management.  Given the level of ongoing investment in assets and infrastructure around the world, there is no better time to focus on the importance of starting with the end in mind when it comes to building infrastructure. 

Find out more about asset management and membership of the IAM on this website. 

Building on its decades of experience in B2B and corporate communications, ITN Business works with organizations, businesses, and brands to create a deeper, more authentic connection with their people, customers, partners, investors, or the wider world. Industry News is our broadcast news-style programming and bespoke digital campaigns for sectors, charities, and industries, sharing stories of innovation, best practice and thought leadership, to connect with the audiences that matter to our clients, and to ensure longer-term impact. For more information visit: www.business.itn.co.uk.

View the Press Release dated 18 October 2022

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