Elections for IAM Board of Management and Council

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05 Jul 2021

Elections for IAM Board of Management and Council

The IAM welcomes your support! The 2021 elections are just around the corner, and as such, we are calling for nominees to stand for election to become your representatives on the IAM Council and Board of Management. 

Council elections

All current Voting Members (MIAM and FIAM) are eligible to stand for election to Council to represent individual members, and all Corporate Members can nominate someone within their organisation to represent Corporate Members.

During the 2021 election, we have two vacancies for representatives of Individual Members and one vacancy for a representative of Corporate Members.

Our byelaws allow Council to put forward a list of nominees to stand for election prior to the public call for nominees. Those nominated by Council and standing for election are:

Nominees to become a representative of Individual Members:

  • Christopher Genin, MIAM
  • Shimona Shodipo, MIAM

Nominees to become a representative of Corporate Members:

  • Richard White, MIAM, Atkins


Board of Management elections

All current Voting Members (MIAM and FIAM) are eligible to stand for election to the Board of Management. Anyone who wishes to stand will need to provide the names of 10 Voting Members who support their nomination and will be considered by the Nominations Committee before being approved as a Candidate.

During the 2021 election, we have one vacancy to become a member of the Board of Management. 

Our byelaws allow Board to put forward a list of nominees to stand for election prior to the public call for nominees. Those nominated by Board are:

  • Jim Conlin, MIAM

Board Members carry significant responsibilities and spend considerable time on IAM business and meetings, as well as being legally accountable as directors of the Institute. Please consider whether you have the time to devote to this, and make sure that your employer is content that you take on such legal obligations before standing.


If you wish to stand, please email Jodie.Williamson@theIAM.org for nomination information. Nominations must be submitted on or before 25 July, 2021 to be valid. 


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