2019 Member Survey Results

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31 May 2019

2019 Member Survey Results

IAM Members were able to participate in the Spring’s Member Survey that asked for their opinions about how the IAM was serving their needs. Some of the highlights are presented here. If you would like a copy of the complete slide deck, contact us.


  • A very good response rate (656 out of 2700) enabling The IAM to use member views to develop offering
  • Many positives in what the IAM are already doing for our members
  • Some very useful insight into the next steps for action
  • Constructive feedback from free text can be used to develop services offered
  • Following the survey, The IAM will put together and review the key themes and how we can work on these areas

Main reasons for joining the IAM (graph)

The importance of IAM Products and Services (graph)

Networking events (graph)

The results will help the IAM in providing a valuable offering to our Members, we would like to thank all those who took the time to offer feedback. 

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