Revitalising our volunteer system to help you get involved

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11 Mar 2021

Revitalising our volunteer system to help you get involved

One of the mainstays of the IAM is engaging with you, our members, and I can’t thank you enough for your support, particularly over the past year.

One of the great values across the IAM is our ability to share knowledge and experience. Through this we have created, and continue to create, a wealth of guidance, learning material, tools and techniques and opportunities to learn and grow.

All of this results from members volunteering their time to support projects, initiatives, working groups, events and more. And over past years we have called for volunteers when needed, but never had a central, always available place where those interested in volunteering can go to look for opportunities and put themselves forward. Until now.

I’m delighted to let you know personally that our new ‘Volunteer Now’ portal is live and offering you a range of opportunities to engage with us. You will find the Portal on our website, under the Membership tab, and there are already a range of opportunities to select from.

We’ll be adding new opportunities to the portal as soon as they are defined, and if there isn’t something for you right now, there is the facility to simply put yourself forward for the future, highlighting your areas of interest. Please have a look soon and see what interests you!

Andy Watts, Managing Director




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