Elections for the IAM Board of Management and Council

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24 Jun 2022

Elections for the IAM Board of Management and Council

The IAM welcomes your support!

Following the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) held on 21 June 2022, it was agreed that the Institute will progress Transform22 proposals to create added value for our membership, enhancing local networks and services.

The proposals include a change to the structure of Council and outline transitional arrangements to make this happen.

Therefore, there will be no Council elections in 2022 in line with Transform22 proposals. The Council members who are due to retire in 2022 have been asked to confirm whether they wish to remain on Council as co-opted members for an additional year.

You can find out more about the Transform22 proposals in this slide deck.

The Transform22 proposals do not alter the structure of the IAM Board. Therefore, we are holding elections for the IAM Board of Management, and we are calling for nominees to stand for election.


Board of Management Elections

The IAM Board of Management comprises the legal directors of the Institute. For more information see https://theiam.org/about-us/governance/board/ 

During the 2022 elections, we have two positions on the IAM Board eligible for the elections.

Our byelaws enable the IAM Board to put forward a list of nominees to stand for election prior to the call for additional nominees. Those nominated by Board are:

  •  Christian Roberts, FIAM, who is being nominated for re-election
  •  Nikki Walsh, MIAM, who is being nominated for the first time


In addition to this list of nominees, all current Voting Members (MIAM and FIAM) are eligible to stand for election to the Board of Management.

Board members carry significant responsibilities and spend considerable time on IAM business and meetings. Please consider whether you have the time to devote to this before standing.

Also, please note that anyone who wishes to stand will need to provide the names of 10 Voting Members (MIAM or FIAM) who support their nomination, and that the nominee will be assessed by the Nominations Committee before being approved as a candidate.

The Nominations Committee is a Committee of Board. It is convened as necessary to ensure that there is a formal, rigorous, and transparent procedure for elections and appointments to the IAM Board and other key IAM roles.

Board Members are legally accountable as directors of the Institute, so please make sure your employer is content that you take on such legal obligations before standing for election.

If you wish to stand, please complete the Nomination Form via the link below and return it to Jodie.Williamson@theIAM.org by by 23:59 BST on Friday 22 July 2022.


Nomination Form


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