IAM ITN Unlocking Value

Home Press Release

27 Apr 2023

IAM ITN Unlocking Value



IAM are ‘Unlocking Value’ with ITN Business this December

Launching Monday 4th December at the IAM Asset Management Excellence Awards 2023

Rapid change, unpredictability, and rising costs mean asset-intensive organisations are under increasing pressure to deliver the highest value to stakeholders. By unlocking value, organisations can expand their customer base, tap into new markets, and improve their bottom line. To showcase how asset management is being used to realise value for various stakeholder communities, the Institute of Asset Management is partnering with ITN Business to produce a news-style programme ‘Unlocking Value’.

Presented by Lukwesa Burak from the ITN London studio, ‘Unlocking Value’ will feature cases studies of the ways in which asset owning and service providing organisations are employing a variety of approaches and solutions, to deliver real impact. The programme will also hear from thought leaders across sectors about what is being done, and what should still be done, to unlock value for stakeholders.

Realising value is at the heart of what asset management is all about, and the programme will include key industry best practice and themes including:

  • How digital innovation such as the use of building information modelling, digital twins, and artificial intelligence is transforming how value is realised
  • Where decision support capability such as investment prioritisation is enabling the balanced range of outcomes
  • The power of organisational transformation including strategy, leadership, culture, performance improvement and people capability in unlocking value
  • How innovations focusing on outcomes are reimagining the way the value is realised such as circular economy and servitisation
  • How engaging with the right partners to build close, trusting and long-term partnerships is key to maximising value
  • The increasingly international investor base for this growing sector, which highlights the corresponding opportunity, and even need, for asset managers to operate globally
  • Showcasing industry best practice where the value for stakeholders has been unlocked
  • Demonstrating the impact of providing services to asset owning organisations

Dr Christian Roberts, President, IAM, said: “All organisations across the globe strive to unlock value from their physical assets. Our first series, ‘Planning for the Long Term’ focused on not just short-term but also long-term value. In our second series, ‘Why Outcomes Matter’ we focused on the impact on organisations and society at large and why being able to maximise the value delivered for stakeholders is essential.    I am delighted to be working with ITN Business on our third season to bring to life the approaches and solutions organisations are employing to ‘unlock value’.”

Nina Harrison-Bell, Head of ITN Business says: “Following the success of our previous partnerships with the IAM, we are delighted to be returning with a third instalment, building on previous themes and focusing on the power in unlocking value.”

Launching this December, ‘Unlocking Value’ is the third programme in the series between the IAM and ITN Business, and will build on the content of the programmes that have come before it, with this year's edition being a natural evolution from those previous themes. ‘Unlocking Value’ will combine expert interviews, news items and reporter led sponsored editorial profiles and will premiere at the IAM Asset Management Excellence Awards 2023. The programme will be supported by a digital launch, marketing campaign, and will be hosted on the ITN Business content hub.

There are commercial opportunities for leading organisations to be featured in the programme and spearhead their own news items. We're looking for organisations at the forefront of developments to take part and share their story. If this seems relevant to your work, then please contact ITN Business’ Programme Directors, Charlotte Lenman at Charlotte.Lenman@itn.co.uk and Isabella Sharp at Isabella.Sharp@itn.co.uk.



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About the Institute of Asset Management

The Institute of Asset Management (the IAM) is the international professional body for asset management professionals. The IAM develops asset management knowledge and best practice and generates awareness of the benefits of the asset management discipline for the individual, organizations and wider society. Established in 1994, the IAM currently has over 2000 Individual and 300 Corporate Members and a network of over 30,000 people globally. For more information visit: www.theIAM.org


About ITN Business

Building on its decades of experience in B2B and corporate communications, ITN Business works with organisations, businesses, and brands to create a deeper, more authentic connection with their people, customers, partners, investors, or the wider world. Our broadcast news-style programming and bespoke digital campaigns for sectors, charities, and industries, share stories of innovation, best practice and thought leadership, to connect with the audiences that matter to our clients, and to ensure longer-term impact. 

For more information visit:  itn.co.uk/business


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