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16 Sep 2020

Learn from the best

The IAM Asset Management Conference 2019 is a key learning and networking event for asset management professionals. Find out more about our plenary presentations and the speakers below - part of our full schedule of presentations available at this event.

As a delegate of the IAM Asset Management Conference 2019, you will get the chance to learn from the leading voice in asset management – don’t miss the opportunity for insight to help your asset management journey.

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Some of our leading presentations…


Whaley Bridge – the story so far

by Richard Wakelen

Whaley Bridge hit headlines earlier this year when extensive rainfall lead to the evacuation of 1500 residents and a large-scale emergency response.

Find out the whole and continuing story and what the learning points are for asset management professionals, from the Head of Asset Management at the Canal & River Trust. Richard has over 25 years managing infrastructure assets, so this promises to be an insightful and informative talk.


The Climate Change Emergency and the Environment Agency’s response as an asset management organisation

by Sally Sudworth

The Climate Change Emergency was declared 1 May - find out how the Environment Agency are evolving their approach to asset management to meet the challenges.

Sally is a chartered engineer and chartered environmentalist, and is currently the National Programme Manager for Asset Management for the EA, as well as Sustainability Lead.


Digital Twins – learning from case studies

by Tim Kersley & Nicola Walsh

See digital twins in action in the aerospace, estuary flood defence, water and rail industries - gain insights from leading companies and learn the benefits they have had with this important aspect of their asset management planning.

Tim & Nicola are joint chairs of the IAM Patrons group and leading voices in the rail and water industry.

We hope you can join us at this year’s Asset Management Conference!

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We are grateful to our Conference Sponsor

We are grateful to our Bag Sponsor

Exhibiting at this year’s conference

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